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The National Curriculum expectations for P.S.H.E in primary schools can be found here:

We have used this curriculum to develop our own bespoke approach at St Bartholomew's based on the following Intent, Implementation and Impact statement:


Personal Social Health Education (PSHE) including Relationships Sex Education (RSE) is at the heart of our school values and ethos and runs through all that we do. At St Bartholomew’s we want our children to know about the world and their place in it; appreciating that everyone is unique and has an equal value. We endeavour to teach them to understand how to keep themselves safe mentally, physically and emotionally, knowing who to trust and who to go to if they have worries or concerns. We want our curriculum to enable children to become healthy, safe, independent, responsible members of society who demonstrate respect and tolerance and who are prepared to face and manage the challenges and opportunities of an ever-changing modern Britain.


We follow the KAPOW scheme of work. This scheme ensures coverage, challenge and sequencing. It is a spiral curriculum with 5 key areas that are revisited each year with increasing depth. Prior learning is revisited and built upon. This ensures progression in children’s understanding so that children will know more and will be able to do more each year.

We are proud to be a ‘Centre of Excellence for Financial Education’ and a ‘Money Matters’ school. Through carefully planned and age-appropriate lessons, children are taught to be resilient when faced with financial issues, to show respect for other people’s financial situation and to display responsibility when handling money and making important decisions. We learn how to save through running our own savings bank. In all year groups, children learn through exploring real life experiences.

Lessons are adapted to meet the needs of each individual class and are delivered in a way that ensures children feel safe. Assemblies, themed days, visits and visitors are used to support the teaching of our curriculum. We work in partnership with parents informing them about what their children are learning and when required, providing guidance towards resources that can be used at home.

Teaching normalises diversity and enables children to successfully live in a context where there are different views and beliefs. In the context of teaching the law, we will always challenge extremist views, discrimination and hate crimes.


We are proud of the PSHE and RSE work that we deliver and its impact can be seen through the display of kindness, compassion, empathy and courage that is embedded into our children’s daily activities. They leave our school as healthy, independent and responsible members of a society who have the tools they need to succeed, keep themselves safe and thrive.

Please find our whole-school curriculum overview below.

You will also find an overview of how the Early Learning Goals and EYFS curriculum relate to the Primary Curriculum and our progression of skills for this subject.