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Hedgehog Class: Mrs Laguda

Red Squirrel Class: Miss Gough

At St Bartholomew’s we plan a child-centred curriculum that encourages children to explore and learn through active play. We want our children to feel safe and settled at school and we are very proud of our inclusive and happy learning environment.

Community is integral to our school values and we aim to build close relationships with parents and families. All parents are invited to attend a meeting with members of the senior leadership team before their child starts school and we work closely with our feeder nursery settings to ensure a smooth transition.

In Reception, we lay many of the foundations for successful life-long learning and we carefully plan learning opportunities to develop early literacy and mathematics skills. We encourage parents to share multiple reading experiences with their child across the week (both reading to them and hearing them read). Clear and timely communication is important; we use an online messaging system to keep parents informed about the curriculum and what we are doing in class.

The EYFS curriculum consists of seven areas of learning:

  1. Communication and Language
  2. Physical Development
  3. Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  4. Literacy
  5. Mathematics
  6. Understanding the World
  7. Expressive Arts and Design

Each area is important to a child’s development: both the learning environment and activities are planned to ensure that children access learning in each area throughout the day.

We want to inspire our children to be inquisitive about the world around them; excited by new skills and knowledge; and happy and confident in the knowledge that they are loved and respected as individuals.